
Group Profile

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Group Profile
KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga Eswatini Zambia Mozambique Mozambique


Renishaw Property Developments, Scottburgh
- Developable Land (Act 70/70 Approval and Environmental
Authorization Obtained): 266 Ha
- Individual Sites ready to be being serviced and for sale
(SPLUMA Approval obtained): 131 Ha
- Un-serviced Land for sale (SPLUMA Approval not yet
obtained): 133Ha
- Renishaw Hills: 210 units occupied.

Renishaw Farm, Scottburgh
- 493 Ha
- Sugar Cane

Crocworld Conservation Centre
- Crocworld currently comprises of 26 Hectares.
- 7 Hectares is currently being used as the centre
- 19 Hectares is Coastal Dune forest.
- 64 different species on-site and 370 individual animals.


Libcro Farming, Malelane
- 1 029 Ha
- Sugar Cane

Komati Farms, Komati Area
- 69 Ha
- Sugar Cane

Mawecro Farming, -Komatipoort
- 2 404 Ha
- 1 918 Ha of Sugar Cane
- 486 Ha of Bananas


Crookes Plantations, Big Bend
- 2 395 Ha
- 2 320 Ha of Sugar Cane
- 75 Ha of Bananas


CBL Agri-Zambia, Mazabuka
- 429 Ha
- Sugar Cane


Quinta Da Bela Vista, Boane
- 264 Ha planted
- 30 Ha developable
- Bananas


Murrimo Macadamias, Gurue
- 583 Ha
- Macadamias